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30 April 2010

Take It As It Comes

I could write about how bad things were today.. the whole water bill issue with the landlord that has been going on the past few months. The one that everyone I talk to is appalled that the landlord is NOT taking responsibility for. But guess what, the law is ambiguous enough that if it went to court it would come down to what judge had the case, and how they were feeling that day.
I talked to a lawyer, and the honest truth is that I have some strong arguments, but because of how the lease was written, and the favoritism of the state for landlords, I might have a 65% chance of winning. Those odds are just not good enough for me. And I would rather cut my losses and move on than continue to play the I have to battle it out or I have to be right game. So why do I write this? Isn't this just me proving that I am right? Hmpphh.. Well, I am. But, no. I am sharing this to perhaps help someone else realize that the are fighting a battle that isn't worth fighting.

What am I going to do now? Simple, put the water bill into my name. Use water MY usual conservative way. And get back to building my business and creating my future away from here. That is what is important.

But I thought this was a gratitude blog! It is.. I am grateful for finding wonderful, friendly people to talk to about the laws in Arizona this morning. I am grateful for finding a lawyer who would talk to me over the phone and be honest with me about my chances and why. And I am grateful for my ever supportive boyfriend, who is my best friend and always there for me even though he lives half way around the world from me.

29 April 2010

Giving Gratitude For Making It Through The Night

There is nothing that quite compares to living in a high valley in terms of the weather. We live in the southern part of the Mojave Desert, so you would expect it to be warm and dry. But living in between two mountain peaks brings quite a bit you would not expect.

For one thing it is totally awesome to see snow on the mountain tops to either side, and yet have none on the ground where you are. We also get a tremendous amount of rain. We live in the middle of a very dry desert, and yet we seem to get rain at least once a week and often times for more then one day at a time. A bit strange for the average number of days of sunlight for the state of Arizona being over 300.

When it kicks up, the wind seems to be funneled in along the mountain walls, and it feels like the entire valley becomes a wind tunnel. You can sit and watch the trees bending low as if to kiss the earth. You hear the wind find every crack in your house and whistle its' way in. Open the window about half an inch and you can recreate the sound of an old freight train whistle. If you ever hear that haunting whistle at night, when everything is dark, it is enough to make you think of a lonely train streaming across a deserted space, just crying its' lonliness out to the world. The sound cuts straight through you.

That is the wind we have had the last couple of days. The wind has been strong enough to just blow the cell signal away from the cell phone, strong enough to blow the phone lines right off the telephone poles.. Just last night it kicked up even stronger and created such a ruckus of vents flapping howling noises that it sounded like wild animals desparate to get in.

And now as the light of day is slowly growing stronger, the wind's howling doesn't seem quite as scary. And as I glance out my window, and see that all of our outdoor toys are still securely tucked in around the house, I give thanks for making it through the night. I am grateful to still be here with all of my belongings still intact.

I post here an shortened, edited version of this post. You can find it in all its descriptive glory, and full length at And I am grateful to have the option to do that!

28 April 2010

Please Keep Cool!

I seem to be creating a bad experience of life lately. Right now I have for some reason decided to play the "all my computers should die now" game. Of course I decided to do it while I didn't have enough money to repair any of them, or buy a new one. That is because of my long term investment into the game of "I don't deserve to have things" combined with my favorite game of "I live in poverty".

I think I am almost ready to end these games and start a new adventure of "I have a fabulous life" and "I always have a plethora of money". I really am not quite sure how to play those games, but I really believe that it is time to learn a new game. I have achieved a master level at the ones I am currently playing. Perhaps that is why I am reluctant to stop them and try something new.

Today I want to express my gratitude at being able to create my life experience, and change it whenever I see fit.

27 April 2010

Gratitude for Emptiness

It may seem strange to be grateful for emptiness, but think about it. When was the last time you were able to sit in a clear area and just take in the room to breathe? This morning we endeavored a great clean up. I decided to move the boxes and piles of "stuff" out of the way to sweep behind them.. Wow! What a large amount of dust balls to be able to gather!
In doing so, I managed to shift all the clutter from its' normal place to a different place. I did a nice thorough sweep and we washed the floor. Then we sat down to rest. As we sat there, I realized that I was admiring the clean empty space. I pointed it out to the kids and asked them to consider which they liked better.. the empty space or the pile of clutter. Which did they want to live in? Breathing great sighs of relief, they pointed to the empty space.
I reminded them that we had to get rid of toys, clothes, junk.. lots of stuff to be able to have that empty space. This afternoon, we are still working on our great project, and I am being grateful for the emptiness.