Find the Perfect Halloween Costume!

28 April 2010

Please Keep Cool!

I seem to be creating a bad experience of life lately. Right now I have for some reason decided to play the "all my computers should die now" game. Of course I decided to do it while I didn't have enough money to repair any of them, or buy a new one. That is because of my long term investment into the game of "I don't deserve to have things" combined with my favorite game of "I live in poverty".

I think I am almost ready to end these games and start a new adventure of "I have a fabulous life" and "I always have a plethora of money". I really am not quite sure how to play those games, but I really believe that it is time to learn a new game. I have achieved a master level at the ones I am currently playing. Perhaps that is why I am reluctant to stop them and try something new.

Today I want to express my gratitude at being able to create my life experience, and change it whenever I see fit.

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