Wow! What a week!
Tomorrow is J-Man's 8th birthday!
I am so grateful for having healthy intelligent children.
The car was repossessed, and I don't see any simple way to get it back.
I am grateful for the helpful neighbors who took us to get water today.
I heard an old message stated a new way recently. Look for the gift in every situation. When something bad happens, can you find the lesson or gift that it brought to you? I am going to be talking about this more in the coming days on one of my other blogs. Come check it out at
The gift: I wasn't willing to admit that we really can't keep up with the payments on the car. We haven't been able to for over a year, since my husband's employer cut his hours. Since then he hasn't been able to find anything to get his pay back up to what we had been used to. It has been a hard 18 months, fighting every month to keep it, cutting out every extra, worrying about how to buy shoes or clothes when any of the kids grow... we didn't even celebrate Christmas in 2007, we didn't have the money for a tree or gifts... And times have continued to get worse for us, like so many other people today.
I do need to somehow find a really cheap dependable car, we live 20 miles outside of town.... The tap water has sediment in it, making it not very drinkable. The closest store is 25 minutes by car. But for right this minute, I do not have to try and figure out how to pay that horrendous car payment. I have enough other bills that have been neglected in an effort to keep it this long. Maybe now, we can get the bare bones budget to match the income.
I am grateful that I can see the gift within the bad times.
I am grateful for the hugs and smiles from my children each day.
I am grateful for the water I am drinking; it has nothing sinking to the bottom of the glass.
I am grateful for having food on my plate, even if it is what I would first choose to have.
I am grateful that I have fallen to a place that is low enough for me to finally be inspired to start setting up the online business that I have been thinking about doing these last few years.
I am grateful that there are so many caring, loving, thoughtful people out there in the world.
And in the slightly lower tone that this post has, I will end with this: Don't feel sorry for me, this is happening to so many people right now. But, if you want a way to help me, then support my blogs, buy the products I recommend or offer, if they are a fit for what you are looking for. That will help me more than anything else in the world.
I am grateful for each and every visit on any of my blogs or web pages or web sites... the kids and I celebrate each and every one of those visits each and every day!
www. -where I review computer games every day, and show you how you can buy your new games for $6.99 every day. -being redeveloped into a personal development website... check in as I redesign and grow it into something wonderful for anyone! find out what is up and coming on the website as it changes behind the scenes! -reviewing the emotional abuse I have lived through in my life, and how I am moving past it, letting it go, and learning to create a life that I want!
Others will be coming as the days progress. Life holds so much variety and diversity...and I want to share it all with anyone who sees or wants to see the magic and beauty in every moment of life!
I am grateful that I see the magic and beauty in every moment of life! It has been a hard journey to get to this point, and now I want everyone to be able to see it this way.
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