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11 June 2008

Just One of Those Days

How do you make a gratitude list on a day like today? Life is simply amazing! Everything is wonderful! No, I'm not looking at the world through rose colored glasses. No, I'm not some sort of Pollyanna. The dirty dishes are still piled up on the counter. The bathroom is still waiting for the boys to clean up after the last bath. The laundry has reached an overflow point.

But, LIFE is fabulous. I have three fantastic children. I have the best mother in the whole world. I have this fantastic, strong woman for a grandmother. I have sun shining on me. I have a breeze blowing in the window. I have beautiful clothing to wear. I sit looking at sparkly sun catchers twisting in the breeze, while the gentle "ding, ding" of the wind chimes rings through the air. I have a bowl of fresh blueberries in front of me. And a glass of cool water at my side.

I can't help but to sit here with a smile on my face. I am simply grateful for everything.

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