Find the Perfect Halloween Costume!

09 June 2008


I am grateful for weekends to enjoy some family time!
rivers to swim in
floatie swimsuits
sunshine to warm the water
warm breezes to dry wet swimsuits
evaporative coolers
kittens running around chasing the motes of imagination
soft beds
fluffy pillows
impromptu pizza nights
water bottles in cooler bags in the back of the car
recycling bins
shelves to hide under
flip flops on sale when the ones on your feet give out!
soapstone elephant circle incense burner
growing self worth
micro SD cards on sale when you decide you need one
salt treatments
free trials of computer games
skipping through commercials
working phones
hugs from my kids
amicable, friendly separations
google search engines
bendable rulers
silk pants
stuffed bunnies
sun tea brewing on the porch

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