Okay, it has been a while since I wrote out a gratitude list. We have been saying our lists out loud as a family. It's great to involve the children in making gratitude lists. It's sets up a life long habit of remaining grateful, and looking for the positives or lessons in every event in life. I think this is one of the best things I can give to my children, the ability to find the good, and move forward to something better. I have spent way too much tome in my life wallowing in my sorrow, or guilt, or hopelessness. I have spent far too many years depressed, and searching for anything to make me feel better.
I am grateful that I have learned that I do not need anyone or anything else to make me feel better, or to make me happy.
I am grateful that I have learned that being happy is a choice that I make at any and every moment.
I an grateful that I have had the strength to keep choosing happiness, and discover my way out of the grayness of depression.
I am grateful that I learned this while my children are so young so that I can teach them, and they will always now it. They will never have to struggle so hard to learn to make that choice when times are hard.
I am grateful for wonderful neighbors.
I am grateful for my wonderful children.
I am grateful for my beautiful green plants. I was just noticing today how dark green and healthy my yucca is. Just a month ago I brought it in from outside because no matter how much I watered it, it was always dry. The sun here is so hot, it was literally burning the leaves of this plant that is native to this climate.
I am grateful for air conditioning. It has made the last several weeks bearable through the 110+ degree heat.
I am grateful that we have gotten to the end of the summer, and within a month we should be seeing 100 degree highs again!
I am grateful for my chiropractor. She is so wonderful and friendly, as is her office staff!
I am grateful for being able to order products online, and get them delivered to my door!
I am grateful for my new book, my new copy of Chakra Balancing by Deepak Chopra, our new Tibetan Meditation Music with it's wonderful flute music, and the new Hot Wheels computer games that we received in the mail!
I am grateful for swiss cheese.
I am grateful for Alstromerias on sale when I got to the store today! There's nothing like a vase of live cut flowers to spark up the energy in a room!
Blog..An online personal journal that is updated frequently, and intended for general public consumption. This is my journal of gratitude.. I hope it makes you smile!
28 August 2008
07 August 2008
My Computer is Working Again!
I am so grateful that my computer is working again! I have spent the day trying to catch up on my emails. (Do I really want that many emails a day?) And I have had fun catching up on newsletters, tracking down new articles, writing blog posts, playing computer games... yes, an excessive amount of computer time today!
I am grateful that the kids' computer is working again too! I think the entire day has had at least one of them, if not two, and sometimes all three, sitting at the computer playing Elf Bowling: Hawaiian Vacation. Come see our review of this game here.
I am grateful that we found a new motherboard for my computer so inexpensively.
I am grateful that we found an incredible deal on the graphics card for the kids' computer.
I am grateful that we found not just one but two wonderful little computer stores over in Kingman, AZ where we were able to get the components we needed, and had some wonderful conversation!
I am grateful that we were able to finally get that air conditioner this weekend....
I am so grateful that we have been able to get the house down to 80 degrees! Who knew that you could be chilly at 80 degrees! We are running around wearing pants, and and putting on sweaters at night! And the few hours of intense afternoon heat, are now down time, instead of the entire day!
I am grateful for the gigantic leaves of Green Leaf and Romaine lettuces I found this week!
I am grateful that I have been studying feng shui! I rearranged the living room yesterday, and wow what a difference. I really did not think that just moving around the same piles of stuff and furniture would make a difference. I decided to create charts for myself and each child of our trigram baguas, and plan the living room out from there. And the feeling, and the look of the living room is so much improved. I mean, it still looks like a single wide trailer that is falling apart, and we still take up way more room than this trailer provides (that is to say that there are piles of stuff as high as an adult covering every inch of the walls!) But now it is comfortable to us, and inviting, and peaceful. I never thought I would feel peaceful here!
I am grateful that I feel peaceful!
I am grateful that the kids' computer is working again too! I think the entire day has had at least one of them, if not two, and sometimes all three, sitting at the computer playing Elf Bowling: Hawaiian Vacation. Come see our review of this game here.
I am grateful that we found a new motherboard for my computer so inexpensively.
I am grateful that we found an incredible deal on the graphics card for the kids' computer.
I am grateful that we found not just one but two wonderful little computer stores over in Kingman, AZ where we were able to get the components we needed, and had some wonderful conversation!
I am grateful that we were able to finally get that air conditioner this weekend....
I am so grateful that we have been able to get the house down to 80 degrees! Who knew that you could be chilly at 80 degrees! We are running around wearing pants, and and putting on sweaters at night! And the few hours of intense afternoon heat, are now down time, instead of the entire day!
I am grateful for the gigantic leaves of Green Leaf and Romaine lettuces I found this week!
I am grateful that I have been studying feng shui! I rearranged the living room yesterday, and wow what a difference. I really did not think that just moving around the same piles of stuff and furniture would make a difference. I decided to create charts for myself and each child of our trigram baguas, and plan the living room out from there. And the feeling, and the look of the living room is so much improved. I mean, it still looks like a single wide trailer that is falling apart, and we still take up way more room than this trailer provides (that is to say that there are piles of stuff as high as an adult covering every inch of the walls!) But now it is comfortable to us, and inviting, and peaceful. I never thought I would feel peaceful here!
I am grateful that I feel peaceful!
28 July 2008
Computer Problems
I am grateful that I have this few seconds on my computer to write you this message.
I am having hardware issues with my computer, and it does not like to stay on for longer than a few minutes at a time right now.
I am grateful that the hardware in question will be easy to find and replace, and I will be back up within a couple of weeks!
Look for me to be back up and running, and more grateful than ever!
Thank you for your patience and loyalty!
I am having hardware issues with my computer, and it does not like to stay on for longer than a few minutes at a time right now.
I am grateful that the hardware in question will be easy to find and replace, and I will be back up within a couple of weeks!
Look for me to be back up and running, and more grateful than ever!
Thank you for your patience and loyalty!
19 July 2008
Lessons and Gifts
Wow! What a week!
Tomorrow is J-Man's 8th birthday!
I am so grateful for having healthy intelligent children.
The car was repossessed, and I don't see any simple way to get it back.
I am grateful for the helpful neighbors who took us to get water today.
I heard an old message stated a new way recently. Look for the gift in every situation. When something bad happens, can you find the lesson or gift that it brought to you? I am going to be talking about this more in the coming days on one of my other blogs. Come check it out at http://2CreateYourLife.blogspot.com
The gift: I wasn't willing to admit that we really can't keep up with the payments on the car. We haven't been able to for over a year, since my husband's employer cut his hours. Since then he hasn't been able to find anything to get his pay back up to what we had been used to. It has been a hard 18 months, fighting every month to keep it, cutting out every extra, worrying about how to buy shoes or clothes when any of the kids grow... we didn't even celebrate Christmas in 2007, we didn't have the money for a tree or gifts... And times have continued to get worse for us, like so many other people today.
I do need to somehow find a really cheap dependable car, we live 20 miles outside of town.... The tap water has sediment in it, making it not very drinkable. The closest store is 25 minutes by car. But for right this minute, I do not have to try and figure out how to pay that horrendous car payment. I have enough other bills that have been neglected in an effort to keep it this long. Maybe now, we can get the bare bones budget to match the income.
I am grateful that I can see the gift within the bad times.
I am grateful for the hugs and smiles from my children each day.
I am grateful for the water I am drinking; it has nothing sinking to the bottom of the glass.
I am grateful for having food on my plate, even if it is what I would first choose to have.
I am grateful that I have fallen to a place that is low enough for me to finally be inspired to start setting up the online business that I have been thinking about doing these last few years.
I am grateful that there are so many caring, loving, thoughtful people out there in the world.
And in the slightly lower tone that this post has, I will end with this: Don't feel sorry for me, this is happening to so many people right now. But, if you want a way to help me, then support my blogs, buy the products I recommend or offer, if they are a fit for what you are looking for. That will help me more than anything else in the world.
I am grateful for each and every visit on any of my blogs or web pages or web sites... the kids and I celebrate each and every one of those visits each and every day!
www. GazeUpon.com -where I review computer games every day, and show you how you can buy your new games for $6.99 every day.
www.2CreateYourLIfe.com -being redeveloped into a personal development website... check in as I redesign and grow it into something wonderful for anyone!
http://2CreateYourLife.blogspot.com find out what is up and coming on the website as it changes behind the scenes!
http://IDidntKnowItWasAbuse.blogspot.com -reviewing the emotional abuse I have lived through in my life, and how I am moving past it, letting it go, and learning to create a life that I want!
Others will be coming as the days progress. Life holds so much variety and diversity...and I want to share it all with anyone who sees or wants to see the magic and beauty in every moment of life!
I am grateful that I see the magic and beauty in every moment of life! It has been a hard journey to get to this point, and now I want everyone to be able to see it this way.
Tomorrow is J-Man's 8th birthday!
I am so grateful for having healthy intelligent children.
The car was repossessed, and I don't see any simple way to get it back.
I am grateful for the helpful neighbors who took us to get water today.
I heard an old message stated a new way recently. Look for the gift in every situation. When something bad happens, can you find the lesson or gift that it brought to you? I am going to be talking about this more in the coming days on one of my other blogs. Come check it out at http://2CreateYourLife.blogspot.com
The gift: I wasn't willing to admit that we really can't keep up with the payments on the car. We haven't been able to for over a year, since my husband's employer cut his hours. Since then he hasn't been able to find anything to get his pay back up to what we had been used to. It has been a hard 18 months, fighting every month to keep it, cutting out every extra, worrying about how to buy shoes or clothes when any of the kids grow... we didn't even celebrate Christmas in 2007, we didn't have the money for a tree or gifts... And times have continued to get worse for us, like so many other people today.
I do need to somehow find a really cheap dependable car, we live 20 miles outside of town.... The tap water has sediment in it, making it not very drinkable. The closest store is 25 minutes by car. But for right this minute, I do not have to try and figure out how to pay that horrendous car payment. I have enough other bills that have been neglected in an effort to keep it this long. Maybe now, we can get the bare bones budget to match the income.
I am grateful that I can see the gift within the bad times.
I am grateful for the hugs and smiles from my children each day.
I am grateful for the water I am drinking; it has nothing sinking to the bottom of the glass.
I am grateful for having food on my plate, even if it is what I would first choose to have.
I am grateful that I have fallen to a place that is low enough for me to finally be inspired to start setting up the online business that I have been thinking about doing these last few years.
I am grateful that there are so many caring, loving, thoughtful people out there in the world.
And in the slightly lower tone that this post has, I will end with this: Don't feel sorry for me, this is happening to so many people right now. But, if you want a way to help me, then support my blogs, buy the products I recommend or offer, if they are a fit for what you are looking for. That will help me more than anything else in the world.
I am grateful for each and every visit on any of my blogs or web pages or web sites... the kids and I celebrate each and every one of those visits each and every day!
www. GazeUpon.com -where I review computer games every day, and show you how you can buy your new games for $6.99 every day.
www.2CreateYourLIfe.com -being redeveloped into a personal development website... check in as I redesign and grow it into something wonderful for anyone!
http://2CreateYourLife.blogspot.com find out what is up and coming on the website as it changes behind the scenes!
http://IDidntKnowItWasAbuse.blogspot.com -reviewing the emotional abuse I have lived through in my life, and how I am moving past it, letting it go, and learning to create a life that I want!
Others will be coming as the days progress. Life holds so much variety and diversity...and I want to share it all with anyone who sees or wants to see the magic and beauty in every moment of life!
I am grateful that I see the magic and beauty in every moment of life! It has been a hard journey to get to this point, and now I want everyone to be able to see it this way.
17 July 2008
Can I be grateful for...?
Can I be grateful for the same things everyday?
Yes, I can, and so can you.
I am just not so sure that you want to read the same things day after day!
I am grateful for my kids... the light in my life, through everything else!
I am grateful for the hugs of my super hugger, and the smiles and hand squeezes of my gentle soul.
I am grateful for the intelligence of my daughter, a partner in personal development.
I am grateful for the strength others have always seen inside of me; I am finally starting to see it myself.
I am grateful for my mother. She has always believed in me, and makes me believe that I really can do anything I set my mind to. And even when I stretch her beliefs farther than she is ready to go, she still encourages me, and considers what I say for herself.
I am grateful for my grandmother. She has always been my example of strength. And a proud example of what one person really can accomplish.
I am grateful for my plants. Some of them have been with me as long as 16 years now. They are the color of life, and remind me daily that life is an ever changing and growing thing.
I am grateful for all the people that have gone to my computer game review blog at www.GazeUpon.com. When you buy your casual games through my links, you make three children very happy and grateful!
I am grateful for the synchronicity of the universe.
I am grateful for the gift in even seemingly bad events.... if you look you just might see that something good came from it.
I am grateful for Nora, our cat. She is such a sweet and proper creature.
I am grateful that I see things the way that I do. Life is so magical and beautiful... I have lived not believing that, and suffered debilitating depression.... This is so much better!
I am grateful for everyone who comes to read my gratitude list. I hope I inspire you to look for the great things in your life, and truly appreciate them.
Yes, I can, and so can you.
I am just not so sure that you want to read the same things day after day!
I am grateful for my kids... the light in my life, through everything else!
I am grateful for the hugs of my super hugger, and the smiles and hand squeezes of my gentle soul.
I am grateful for the intelligence of my daughter, a partner in personal development.
I am grateful for the strength others have always seen inside of me; I am finally starting to see it myself.
I am grateful for my mother. She has always believed in me, and makes me believe that I really can do anything I set my mind to. And even when I stretch her beliefs farther than she is ready to go, she still encourages me, and considers what I say for herself.
I am grateful for my grandmother. She has always been my example of strength. And a proud example of what one person really can accomplish.
I am grateful for my plants. Some of them have been with me as long as 16 years now. They are the color of life, and remind me daily that life is an ever changing and growing thing.
I am grateful for all the people that have gone to my computer game review blog at www.GazeUpon.com. When you buy your casual games through my links, you make three children very happy and grateful!
I am grateful for the synchronicity of the universe.
I am grateful for the gift in even seemingly bad events.... if you look you just might see that something good came from it.
I am grateful for Nora, our cat. She is such a sweet and proper creature.
I am grateful that I see things the way that I do. Life is so magical and beautiful... I have lived not believing that, and suffered debilitating depression.... This is so much better!
I am grateful for everyone who comes to read my gratitude list. I hope I inspire you to look for the great things in your life, and truly appreciate them.
01 July 2008
I am grateful for...
smiles on my kids faces
knowledge of feng shui
understanding of the Ti Jing
sticky notes
scotch tape
having a printer
cotton sheets
sparkly stuff
encouraging speakers to inspire me
having an extra long cat 5 cable
good conversations
dreams to aspire to
fresh cup of coffee
cool glass of water
sunshades to keep the car a few degrees cooler
bamboo wind chimes
extra pillows!
growing green plants to brighten my house
being able to see a million stars in the sky
fresh watermelon
my Vita-Mix
wood cutting boards
the color green
a sound sleep at night
knowledge of feng shui
understanding of the Ti Jing
sticky notes
scotch tape
having a printer
cotton sheets
sparkly stuff
encouraging speakers to inspire me
having an extra long cat 5 cable
good conversations
dreams to aspire to
fresh cup of coffee
cool glass of water
sunshades to keep the car a few degrees cooler
bamboo wind chimes
extra pillows!
growing green plants to brighten my house
being able to see a million stars in the sky
fresh watermelon
my Vita-Mix
wood cutting boards
the color green
a sound sleep at night
28 June 2008
Grateful For Being Alive!
I am grateful that through all of this intense heat, we are still alive!
I am grateful that we still have our sense of humor!
I am grateful that we have learned that we really can be happy for no reason...even in the face of difficulties!
I am grateful for the internet!
I am grateful for topographical maps!
I am grateful for all that I am learning about how we each create our own reality.
I am grateful for my knowledge of feng shui.
I am grateful that I can feel the energy around me.
I am grateful for finding little things to laugh hysterically over.
I am grateful that laughter is contagious!
I am grateful for a good strong corn broom to sweep the floor with!
I am grateful for great big hugs from my children.
I am grateful for creative imaginations... you have children so that you can play with their toys and be entertained by them, right?!
I am grateful for classical music to relax to.
I am grateful for headphones to shut out some of the noise!
I am grateful for computer speakers with headphone jacks!
I am grateful for a pillow to lay my head on, and a blanket to keep warm with.
I am grateful that we still have our sense of humor!
I am grateful that we have learned that we really can be happy for no reason...even in the face of difficulties!
I am grateful for the internet!
I am grateful for topographical maps!
I am grateful for all that I am learning about how we each create our own reality.
I am grateful for my knowledge of feng shui.
I am grateful that I can feel the energy around me.
I am grateful for finding little things to laugh hysterically over.
I am grateful that laughter is contagious!
I am grateful for a good strong corn broom to sweep the floor with!
I am grateful for great big hugs from my children.
I am grateful for creative imaginations... you have children so that you can play with their toys and be entertained by them, right?!
I am grateful for classical music to relax to.
I am grateful for headphones to shut out some of the noise!
I am grateful for computer speakers with headphone jacks!
I am grateful for a pillow to lay my head on, and a blanket to keep warm with.
26 June 2008
I don't feel grateful this evening...but I will give thanks anyways.
I really don't feel grateful this evening. The house was once again unbearably hot. The kids aren't cleaning up after themselves, but when it is 92 degrees inside the house, I don't have the heart or the energy to yell at them. So the house is becoming an unbelievable mess. The water coming out of the faucet smells like rotten eggs...I don't think I could take a shower without puking right now. The shipment of the "school books" that I sent for has been delayed again...this time they were lost at the dock, the entire shipment can't be found.
My boys are fighting every day...when they get hot. My daughter is moping because were are in such a repressed area that she can't get a business of any kind going...not even babysitting! I lit incense, but was called outside each time I lit it, and did not get to enjoy it. Have I complained enough? Sometimes in order to get to a place of gratefulness, of being able to be thankful, you have to let yourself actually feel the down emotions. Claim them, feel them, watch yourself go through them, and then let it go.
Earlier today I felt quite grateful.
I just received my order of Paraliminals, but as I opened the box, I saw that one of them had a broken case. I know, nitpicky, but I also know it would drive me nuts, so I called the company. Without hesitation, the wonderful lady I talked to said they would ship out a new case first thing tomorrow!
More than that I felt blessed to share this gratitude blog with her, and inspire her to possibly create her own!
I changed the direction of my bed last night, and slept better. I am grateful for a great night of sleep.
I am grateful for my children, I feel blessed to be able to homeschool such intelligent aware minds!
I am thankful to see the little bats that come out at dusk every evening, as I know they are catching the bugs!
I am grateful to live somewhere that dragonflies play on the trampoline as if they were children...bouncing off of it over and over as we watch, and then flying away when we climb on.
I am grateful for tea tree oil, my solution to life's bumps and bruises!
I am grateful for our kitty, "Miss Nora".
I am grateful for the incense, the smell still just lingered on the air when I came in!
I am grateful for my salt lamp (tea light candle size), as I watch the beautiful color it is glowing next to my desk as I write this.
I am grateful for all of my elephant decor...it makes me smile.
I am grateful for my yucca in it's beautiful orange ceramic pot, I always look onto living growing green while I am at my desk.
I am grateful for the free personalized pocket calendar that I received in the mail, after wishing that I had one a few days before.
I am grateful for the calendar, and day planner that are on my computer, that was a bonus to a screen saver program that I got as a gift! Fantastic since I had just been wishing that I had something exactly like this!
I am grateful for the way the fan blows through the wind chimes, making melodious chimes ring through out the day.
I am grateful for the way the light sparkles off of the green and silver wind chime as it moves.
I am grateful that I take the time to "stop and smell the roses", and see all the wonderful patterns that there are in life!

I wish you could blow up the picture on the right... I actually caught a hummingbird getting nectar from the flowers on this tree. And I have a wonderful series of pictures of this hummingbird! In this picture, it is hovering in the bloom in the center of the picture.

Earlier today I felt quite grateful.
I just received my order of Paraliminals, but as I opened the box, I saw that one of them had a broken case. I know, nitpicky, but I also know it would drive me nuts, so I called the company. Without hesitation, the wonderful lady I talked to said they would ship out a new case first thing tomorrow!
More than that I felt blessed to share this gratitude blog with her, and inspire her to possibly create her own!
I changed the direction of my bed last night, and slept better. I am grateful for a great night of sleep.
I am grateful for my children, I feel blessed to be able to homeschool such intelligent aware minds!

I am grateful to live somewhere that dragonflies play on the trampoline as if they were children...bouncing off of it over and over as we watch, and then flying away when we climb on.
I am grateful for tea tree oil, my solution to life's bumps and bruises!
I am grateful for our kitty, "Miss Nora".
I am grateful for the incense, the smell still just lingered on the air when I came in!
I am grateful for my salt lamp (tea light candle size), as I watch the beautiful color it is glowing next to my desk as I write this.
I am grateful for all of my elephant decor...it makes me smile.
I am grateful for my yucca in it's beautiful orange ceramic pot, I always look onto living growing green while I am at my desk.

I am grateful for the calendar, and day planner that are on my computer, that was a bonus to a screen saver program that I got as a gift! Fantastic since I had just been wishing that I had something exactly like this!

I am grateful for the way the light sparkles off of the green and silver wind chime as it moves.
I am grateful that I take the time to "stop and smell the roses", and see all the wonderful patterns that there are in life!

I wish you could blow up the picture on the right... I actually caught a hummingbird getting nectar from the flowers on this tree. And I have a wonderful series of pictures of this hummingbird! In this picture, it is hovering in the bloom in the center of the picture.
25 June 2008
Too Hot!
When minor difficulties get in the way, it can be hard to be grateful. But the kids and I are making it a daily practice to name the things we don't like, and find a way that we are grateful for them anyways. For instance, some of todays turn arounds were:
It's too hot every day! -- I'm grateful we have the evaporative cooler to keep it a little bit cooler inside! (Not bad when inside next to the evaporative cooler crosses the 90 degree mark every day!)
I hate the house we live in! -- I'm grateful for a roof over my head!
It was so chilly last night I needed an extra blanket! -- I'm grateful that it cools off every night from the day's heat!
From there the list became a gratitude list again!
I'm grateful that we are always happy.
I'm grateful that we can laugh so easily and so often!
I'm grateful that we have food to eat.
I'm grateful that we have sunlight.
I'm grateful for our cat, Nora.
I'm grateful that we have enough money for the things we need.
I'm grateful that I have clothes that fit me!
I'm grateful that we have incense...I want more!
I'm grateful that my boys went and found the package in the closet that was missing!
I'm grateful for my son's stuffed 'bunny'...it amazing what joy a special stuffed animal can bring to the entire house!
I'm grateful for my intelligent children.
I'm grateful for my respectful children who went and thanked the neighbor for putting up a cover on the fence to try and keep the dogs from barking at them all the time.
I'm grateful for the way that my children can sense energy... what could be more fun than a no contact 'energy war' on the trampoline! Talk about stirring things up!
I am grateful for my intelligence. It makes life that mush more wonderful!
I am grateful for the air around me.
I am grateful for the moon and stars.
I am grateful for freshly brewed herbal sun tea... the wonderful flavor!
I am grateful for my printer, paper, and colored ink!
I am grateful for an air mattress to sleep on instead of the floor! (Even if it is for the pool! LOL)
I am grateful that my youngest cleaned up the bathroom after his bath, and put away ALL of his toys!
I am grateful for places like Kodak and Wal Mart that let you store your digital photos online, and all the wonderful products you can create from there!
I am grateful for my little bean bag frogs that sit on my computer speakers keeping me company all the time!
I am grateful for happy music to listen to, and great favorites that make you smile!
It's too hot every day! -- I'm grateful we have the evaporative cooler to keep it a little bit cooler inside! (Not bad when inside next to the evaporative cooler crosses the 90 degree mark every day!)
I hate the house we live in! -- I'm grateful for a roof over my head!
It was so chilly last night I needed an extra blanket! -- I'm grateful that it cools off every night from the day's heat!
From there the list became a gratitude list again!
I'm grateful that we are always happy.
I'm grateful that we can laugh so easily and so often!
I'm grateful that we have food to eat.
I'm grateful that we have sunlight.
I'm grateful for our cat, Nora.
I'm grateful that we have enough money for the things we need.
I'm grateful that I have clothes that fit me!
I'm grateful that we have incense...I want more!
I'm grateful that my boys went and found the package in the closet that was missing!
I'm grateful for my son's stuffed 'bunny'...it amazing what joy a special stuffed animal can bring to the entire house!
I'm grateful for my intelligent children.
I'm grateful for my respectful children who went and thanked the neighbor for putting up a cover on the fence to try and keep the dogs from barking at them all the time.
I'm grateful for the way that my children can sense energy... what could be more fun than a no contact 'energy war' on the trampoline! Talk about stirring things up!
I am grateful for my intelligence. It makes life that mush more wonderful!
I am grateful for the air around me.
I am grateful for the moon and stars.
I am grateful for freshly brewed herbal sun tea... the wonderful flavor!
I am grateful for my printer, paper, and colored ink!
I am grateful for an air mattress to sleep on instead of the floor! (Even if it is for the pool! LOL)
I am grateful that my youngest cleaned up the bathroom after his bath, and put away ALL of his toys!
I am grateful for places like Kodak and Wal Mart that let you store your digital photos online, and all the wonderful products you can create from there!
I am grateful for my little bean bag frogs that sit on my computer speakers keeping me company all the time!
I am grateful for happy music to listen to, and great favorites that make you smile!
15 June 2008
Around The Room
wonderful children
green plants
change and growth
green smoothies
(Visit www.2CreateYourLife.com for some recipes!)
duct tape
brilliant ideas
glorious days
daylight bulbs
mason jars
VoIP plans
digital cameras
always having plenty of paper
coupons for free movies in the mail
sales extended for another month
sharp scissors
green plants
change and growth
green smoothies
(Visit www.2CreateYourLife.com for some recipes!)
duct tape
brilliant ideas
glorious days
daylight bulbs
mason jars
VoIP plans
digital cameras
always having plenty of paper
coupons for free movies in the mail
sales extended for another month
sharp scissors
13 June 2008
Smiles and Hugs
11 June 2008
Just One of Those Days
How do you make a gratitude list on a day like today? Life is simply amazing! Everything is wonderful! No, I'm not looking at the world through rose colored glasses. No, I'm not some sort of Pollyanna. The dirty dishes are still piled up on the counter. The bathroom is still waiting for the boys to clean up after the last bath. The laundry has reached an overflow point.
But, LIFE is fabulous. I have three fantastic children. I have the best mother in the whole world. I have this fantastic, strong woman for a grandmother. I have sun shining on me. I have a breeze blowing in the window. I have beautiful clothing to wear. I sit looking at sparkly sun catchers twisting in the breeze, while the gentle "ding, ding" of the wind chimes rings through the air. I have a bowl of fresh blueberries in front of me. And a glass of cool water at my side.
I can't help but to sit here with a smile on my face. I am simply grateful for everything.
But, LIFE is fabulous. I have three fantastic children. I have the best mother in the whole world. I have this fantastic, strong woman for a grandmother. I have sun shining on me. I have a breeze blowing in the window. I have beautiful clothing to wear. I sit looking at sparkly sun catchers twisting in the breeze, while the gentle "ding, ding" of the wind chimes rings through the air. I have a bowl of fresh blueberries in front of me. And a glass of cool water at my side.
I can't help but to sit here with a smile on my face. I am simply grateful for everything.
10 June 2008
Lazy Days
waking up this morning
air to breathe
sunshine coming in the window
green plants glowing with life
wind to blow through wind chimes
wonderful friends to talk to
sweet cantaloupe
green leafy lettuce
(can you tell it's dinner time?)LOL
washing machines
bag closures that stick to the fridge
computer games on a hot day
typing lessons!
lazy days
waking up this morning
air to breathe
sunshine coming in the window
green plants glowing with life
wind to blow through wind chimes
wonderful friends to talk to
sweet cantaloupe
green leafy lettuce
(can you tell it's dinner time?)LOL
washing machines
bag closures that stick to the fridge
computer games on a hot day
typing lessons!
lazy days
09 June 2008
I am grateful for weekends to enjoy some family time!
rivers to swim in
floatie swimsuits
sunshine to warm the water
warm breezes to dry wet swimsuits
evaporative coolers
kittens running around chasing the motes of imagination
soft beds
fluffy pillows
impromptu pizza nights
water bottles in cooler bags in the back of the car
recycling bins
shelves to hide under
flip flops on sale when the ones on your feet give out!
soapstone elephant circle incense burner
growing self worth
micro SD cards on sale when you decide you need one
salt treatments
free trials of computer games
skipping through commercials
working phones
hugs from my kids
amicable, friendly separations
google search engines
bendable rulers
silk pants
stuffed bunnies
sun tea brewing on the porch
rivers to swim in
floatie swimsuits
sunshine to warm the water
warm breezes to dry wet swimsuits
evaporative coolers
kittens running around chasing the motes of imagination
soft beds
fluffy pillows
impromptu pizza nights
water bottles in cooler bags in the back of the car
recycling bins
shelves to hide under
flip flops on sale when the ones on your feet give out!
soapstone elephant circle incense burner
growing self worth
micro SD cards on sale when you decide you need one
salt treatments
free trials of computer games
skipping through commercials
working phones
hugs from my kids
amicable, friendly separations
google search engines
bendable rulers
silk pants
stuffed bunnies
sun tea brewing on the porch
06 June 2008
Late but no less grateful!

cotton sheets
snowballs in June
power windows
ice packs
wrought iron fruit baskets
compassionate people
fresh pineapple
my children
hair ties
black pens
mini legal pads
yucca plant in orange clay pot
pool mattresses on the living room floor
new Homescan scanner with USB cable
finally finishing recording kid shows from the broken DVR!
Criminal Minds being on when I sit down to watch tv...unexpectedly! cool!
computer speakers with a head phone jack
people from 22 different countries visiting my blog
the abundant universe always looking to bring me what I ask for
Fridays with Dr. Who!
sock puppets
a hot cup of coffee
magnetic pawed stuffed kitties

flat panel monitors
helpful neighbors
Starlight the rat
having fun with my kids
tea tree oil
spider plants in the window
Criminal Minds being on when I sit down to watch tv...unexpectedly! cool!
computer speakers with a head phone jack
people from 22 different countries visiting my blog
the abundant universe always looking to bring me what I ask for

sock puppets
a hot cup of coffee
magnetic pawed stuffed kitties

flat panel monitors
helpful neighbors
Starlight the rat
having fun with my kids
tea tree oil
spider plants in the window
05 June 2008
I'm still awake, and grateful anyways!

people who leave comments on my blogs!
Prickly Pear cacti
DVD Recorders
cloth grocery bags
computer speakers
Snoopy cards from my grandmother
phone calls with my mom
flower pillows
air mattresses
clear glass serving plates
Vita-Mix Blender
Yummy Earth Lollipops
magna doodles
candle holders
banana trees to hang bananas on
organic cotton shirts

Vita-Mix Blender
Yummy Earth Lollipops
magna doodles
candle holders
banana trees to hang bananas on
organic cotton shirts

road trips
red rock
Page, AZ
Lake Powell
washes to explore with no one around
red sand to spend an afternoon playing in
hidden wonders at the end of the trail
04 June 2008
I AM Surrounded by Abundance!
Baron Mastery Institute!
Wonderful people!
fans on a hot day
sparkly ribbons
DVD recorders
water dispensers
computer paint programs
my car running after the dome light was left on all night
snowman stockings who randomly sing...when no one pushes the button
(Good Morning Snowman!)
stained glass
the color orange
Wonderful people!
fans on a hot day
sparkly ribbons
DVD recorders
water dispensers
computer paint programs
my car running after the dome light was left on all night
snowman stockings who randomly sing...when no one pushes the button
(Good Morning Snowman!)
stained glass
the color orange
03 June 2008
Welcome to my Gratitude blog!
An online personal journal that is updated frequently, and intended for general public consumption... that is the definition I found for the word 'blog'. So this is my blog of what I have Gratitude For.
my children
watermelon on a hot day
the internet
teachers to learn from
a million reasons to smile
people who buy computer games after visiting my game review blog www.GazeUpon.com !
a sense of humor
cool breeze
my cat, Nora
green plants
amazing, giving people
Magic School Bus
wind chimes
salt lamps
Saguaro cacti
Prickly Pear cacti
Success Songs
my mom
my children
watermelon on a hot day
the internet
teachers to learn from
a million reasons to smile
people who buy computer games after visiting my game review blog www.GazeUpon.com !
a sense of humor
cool breeze
my cat, Nora
green plants
amazing, giving people
Magic School Bus
wind chimes
salt lamps
Saguaro cacti
Prickly Pear cacti
Success Songs
my mom
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