Find the Perfect Halloween Costume!

02 May 2010

Grateful On a Bad day

Today I can find more fault than to be grateful for. The wind was blowing so hard that the house was shaking all day, leaving me quite unsettled. The boys were running around like wild banshees, loud and free with careless abandon. The cats were jumpy.

And yet, I there are always things in my life to be grateful for. I am always grateful for my kids. Even on these wild days, they are still wonderful individuals. I am grateful for my kitty, Snowshoe. She has the softest fur, and her purr is the kind to melt the coldest heart. I am grateful for my cordless mouse. I love my little green mouse! I am grateful for my laptop, and for my true love that gave it to me. I am grateful that I am free and will wake up tomorrow to a new day.

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